Hub Workshops

Workshops for Groups are a very helpful way of getting through difficult subject matter and clarifying some of the really important stuff so you can work out next steps together.

Our friends at Leeds Community Homes have created a suite of Workshops suggestions around key information and decision points. We are pleased to be able to work through these resources with you.

Some of these sessions have help sheets, model documents or templates which you can take away and study before the session, so that the workshop time is used most efficiently.

Topics include:

  • Orientation for new groups – initial action planning
  • Overview of CLH types, process & networks
  • Sources of funding
  • Your mission statement & vision
  • Group capacity and organisation - consolidating a steering group, example Terms of Reference
  • Decision making & grievances
  • Incorporation options
  • Community consultations
  • Understanding delivery options including Registered Provider status
  • Delivery process for either self-delivering group or Housing Association partnership route
  • Risk analysis and site de-risking
  • Business Planning

If you see something in this list that you would like us to come and help you think through, please get in touch and we will arrange a Workshop for your group.