Housing and Social Justice: Focus on Fuel Poverty

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Housing and Social Justice: Focus on Fuel Poverty

Via Zoom

Starts: Fri 3rd December 2021, 10.00 am

Ends: Fri 3rd December 2021, 11.30 am

Free of charge

To mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, on December 3rd, we are hosting a conversation about action to address the increasing problem of fuel poor homes. We are delighted that Matt Copeland, Head of Policy at National Energy Action, is able to come and share a national perspective on this and to highlight how the Fuel Poverty Awareness campaign can be a catalyst for community action more locally. We will hear from Cumbria County Council and Cumbria Action for Sustainability on work which is already going on.

The event will be a mixture of short presentations and an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Click here to register onto the event if you would like to know more about what action we can take together to tackle fuel poverty. 

Target audience: active community groups and advisors; local authority housing and support officers; and parish councillors.

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