Development Options: Workshop for New CLH Groups (a Cumbria & Lancaster CLH Festival event)

Via Zoom
Starts: Wed 3rd February 2021, 6.00 pm
Ends: Wed 3rd February 2021, 7.30 pm
Free of charge
With input from local Community Led Housing expert Andy Lloyd (CLH Adviser to Leeds Community Homes and National Community Land Trust Network) and Fran Richardson, Cumbria & Lancaster CLH Hub Manager.
An introduction to working out what you need to be, in order to do what you want to do. We will focus on the most fundamental question groups have to tackle at the start of their journey - whether to go it alone or not? To make your plans into reality, who do you need to work with?
Format: 60-90 minutes. Slide presentations and posed questions to sharpen understanding of development models and options which inform governance choices.
Booking via the form below is essential.
Cumbria & Lancaster Community Led Housing Festival
In an upbeat start to 2021, we’re running a series of information and discussion events to help shift our thinking about Community Led Housing from lots of good ideas further towards solving the problems and creating the homes. You can join us for as many sessions as you like, all free of charge.