Community Led Solutions to Empty Homes and Refurbishment (a Cumbria & Lancaster CLH Festival event)
Via Zoom
Starts: Tue 2nd February 2021, 10.00 am
Ends: Tue 2nd February 2021, 11.30 am
Free of charge
Planning a new house from scratch is a luxury most of us do not have. How can communities work with partners to reclaim empty buildings, improve housing stock and reduce carbon consumption in our existing housing? There are also opportunities to upskill and integrate, through support workers, self-finish and training projects.
• Diane Hubbard, Green Footprints Building Consultancy
• Joanne Cooper Mobi, Back On The Map - Hendon
Format: 90 minutes. Short presentations about the technical and legal barriers to tackling empty homes and what can be done. Discussion and questions. How refurbished properties must be part of our carbon reduction plans, perhaps particularly in the social rented sector; and the win-win of upskilling a community to assist with refurbishment.
Booking via the form below is essential.
Cumbria & Lancaster Community Led Housing Festival
In an upbeat start to 2021, we’re running a series of information and discussion events to help shift our thinking about Community Led Housing from lots of good ideas further towards solving the problems and creating the homes. You can join us for as many sessions as you like, all free of charge.